Emily’s Blog

Info & Tips for Overcoming Adversity and Embracing Our Authentic Selves!

Photo of beach with quote on awareness

Awareness – So You Can Create a Life You Love

One of the steps in the Onward Movement Roadmap is to become aware of beliefs and habits that no longer serve you. Once aware, you can make changes...
Photo of Emily

Are You Friends With Yourself?

Tuesday's theme in the Onward Movement is "make a friend". Are you friends with yourself? What do you lobe about yourself? I. I love that I have a...
Onward Movement Roadmap

Onward Movement Roadmap

This Onward Movement Roadmap is a very high level overview of the steps I went through to discover my authentic self. It's still a journey! Just...
Image of people celebrating

Release the Fear of Judgment and Take That Step

Do you have a dream? What's holding you back? In January 2019, I decided to create a podcast when I retired.I had listened to a few podcasts but I...
How Basketball Contributed to My Successful Career

How Basketball Contributed to My Successful Career

This weekend as I watched two youth basketball games, I started thinking about the important role basketball has played in my life. Having recently retired from a career working for the Department of the Navy, I often find myself reflecting on my life and my career....

Comparing Life to Throwing Pots

Comparing Life to Throwing Pots

One of my retirement goals is to spend more time with my parents. My mom and I are taking a weekly pottery class. Have you ever "thrown pots"? In my mind "throwing pots" is a lot like life. You may want life to be neat and organized as my wheel is in the photo above....

Get to Know Me

Get to Know Me

Welcome to my blog! Just like you, I face adversity in my personal and professional life. I'm also creating a life I love. I'm on a journey to live a more authentic life. I'm learning about myself and making new discoveries every day! Throughout my career with the...